Astrid Verhoef - Inscapes - Chair

Astrid Verhoef – Inscapes – Chair

From January 12th until Sunday 2nd of March 2019 our gallery shows the surrealistic world of Astrid Verhoef. With her photographs she fills your senses with the same beautiful struggle that is depicted in the large-scale and wonderfully printed images on our gallery walls.

For ‘Inscapes: Existence is elsewhere’ Astrid Verhoef decided to distance herself from urban life and travel to secluded landscapes around the world to seek connection in nature. She liberates our emotions and allows viewers to experience a new reality that engages the uncanny familiarity of landscapes they have never visited. In a world fully dependent on social media, digital technologies and circulated images, Verhoef asks us to look at our subconscious and find something more meaningful.

She rarely appears on the foreground, as if she has become less significant in this desolate environment. She is humbled but often shows traces of modern culture. A character that struggles with her background and investigates her place in the natural world.

Inscapes: Existence is Elsewhere features work shot in Utah and Colorado (USA), South Australia, West Australia and The Northern Territory (AUS), Israel, Spain, and The Netherlands.